Fall from Heights
Working at height where the danger of falling exists.
Fall Protection System
Have I visually inspected the anchor points prior to use?
Have I inspected my harness prior to use?
Have I inspected the connector/lanyard/shock absorber equipment prior to use?
Is my selected fall protection adequate for the task and am I wearing it correctly? Note: check length, compatibility with work from height (restraint vs. arrest)
Has the team reviewed the rescue plan for this task? Does everyone know and understand the plan?
Is the rescue plan appropriate and are all necessary tools and equipment available?
Can I maintain 100% tie-off, if needed?
Have all team members reviewed and understood the rescue plan?
Fixed Work Platform
Have I inspected the fixed work platform before use? Note: check for missing/loose floor grating panels, secured handrails, toe boards, etc.
Is access/exit safe and easily accessible?
Is the fixed work platform suitable for the job/task?
Mobile Work Platform
Am I using the correct mobile work platform for the job/task? Note: check suitability of the equipment for task and position/placement, including function, and load limit, terrain, environment/weather, location, current inspection, fundamentally stable
Am I correctly secured in the basket with proper fall protection equipment?
Have I completed a pre-operational inspection and addressed any critical safety issues?
Have I confirmed that weather conditions will allow for safe use?
Do I remain inside the confines of the basket at all times (e.g. Not stepping on midrails, leaning over the handrails, etc.)?
Have the ground conditions for mobile platform travel areas been inspected (e.g. Buried hazards, underground services, uneven terrain)?
Is access/exit safe and easily accessible?
Are the platforms travelling over the designated and inspected areas for the task?
Leading Edge /Open Hole Protection
Is installed edge protection adequate to prevent falls? Note: Includes railings, horizontal life lines, rat lines, etc.
Am I adequately protected from falling into of off of all openings or leading edges i.e. using barricades, guards or other fall prevention/protection?
Have I inspected the edge protection devices to ensure they are maintained and in good working order?
Has the scaffold design and work plan been approved by a competent person?
Is the scaffold constructed according to the approved design and work plan?
Does the scaffold have the load capacity posted?
Has the inspection of the scaffold been completed by a competent person prior to use? Note: Daily inspection is required when a scaffold is in use.
Is the scaffold protected from being hit by moving vehicles/equipment?
Is access/exit safe and easily accessible?
Does the scaffolding have complete floors, toe boards, mid rails and handrails?