Falling Objects

Falling Objects

Exposure to falling objects (e.g. tools, material, equipment, structures, etc.).

Barriers and Segregation

Have I considered the potential for objects/materials falling from heights for the specific job being performed?

Is barricading and segregation in place for all dropped objects fall zones?

Have I verified that the barricading has 360 degree coverage to prevent unintended access to the potential drop/loading/unloading zone ?

Do barricaded areas have adequate notification, signage/tags?

Are concurrent and adjacent work activities segregated from drop zones of falling objects?

Integrity of Overhead Structures and Equipment

Have I inspected the work area for any potential falling objects prior to commencing any work?

Are equipment items and fixtures at height free from observable signs of securement failure? (e.g. beams, brackets, bracing, and/or support members)

Have I inspected and verified that any pieces of equipment mounted at height show no signs of accidental impact from cranes or any other activities?

Securing Devices

Are devices that are used for securement adequate to prevent falling objects?

Have securing devices been inspected prior to use?

Are securing devices functioning as designed?

Are observable mounts of fixed elevated equipment in good repair and as designed?

Work Area Management

Have concurrent activities been considered for the work activities being performed?

Is the flooring of upper level work platforms designed to prevent objects from falling through to the lower level?