Rail Collision

Rail Collision

Locomotive, rolling stock, or other rail equipment colliding with or being hit by other vehicles, buildings, or equipment.

Access Control

Have I attained authorization to occupy this section of rail with this rail mounted equipment?

Prior to the commencement of this activity have I tested the access control mechanisms to prove all are operational?

Have I verified that remotely controlled systems are operational prior to the commencement of this activity?

Do I have authorization to access this area?

Fit for Work & Fatigue Management

Am I fit for duty (compliant with drug and alcohol policy, well rested and free from fatigue, free from stressful work-related or personal concerns that could potentially distract me from working safely)?

Are the personnel present free from visible illness or injury which may compromise safety?

Operator Competency

Do I have required competency to operate this vehicle/equipment and perform this task (current driver/operator license, certification card, training certificate, etc.)?

Have all contractors present been confirmed as rail safe working trained?

Are all visitors inducted for rail network access?

Positive Communication System

Are positive communication devices available at the work location?

Are available positive communications functional and effective?

Do I know how to use the available positive communications devices?

Did the prestart briefing include actions to be taken if positive communications are lost?

Scheduling, Separation and Traffic Control

Have I checked the schedule for rolling stock/Hi Rail traffic movement on this line?

Are personnel acknowledging and responding correctly to alarms?

Is the field activity consistent with the current rail movement schedule?

Signaling and Signage

Is the required signaling and signage in the area consistent with current standards and policies?

Are critical signals in the area readily identifiable (visible/audible)?

Is the signaling and signage operational?