Underground Hazardous Atmosphere

Underground Hazardous Atmosphere

Exposure to toxic atmosphere or oxygen deprivation underground

Refuge Chambers/Escape Routes

Is the refuge chamber less than 750 meters away from where I am working (where required)?

Do I know where the nearest refuge chamber is and how to get there?

Do I know my primary and secondary escape routes from my current location?

Is the refuge chamber fully stocked with all emergency supplies and ready for use?

Self Rescuer

Do I have my self rescuer with me?

Has my self rescuer been inspected and is it ready for use?

Ventilation Monitoring

Is a vent monitor available in my work area?

For re-entry crews: am I trained on re-entry procedure?

Ventilation System

Is the work area properly ventilated?

Am I aware of main airflow for my work area?

Do I know where the fan controls are located and how they work?

Do I know what to do if gas levels increase?

Do all team members know what to do if gas levels increase?